Prepping for an interview?

You’ve perfected your portfolio, submitted your application, and now you’ve scored an interview! You’re one step closer to landing the perfect position, but you should keep a few things in mind when preparing for an interview. 

First impressions matter!

You’ve heard it a thousand times, but it really is true. You only have one chance to showcase your best self. Even if you have a flawless portfolio to back you up, no amount of credentials can make up for an unprepared and unenthusiastic candidate. Along with dressing appropriately and professionally, we also suggest paying special attention to the smaller details that often go overlooked. Avoid heavily scented perfumes, always tame unkempt hair, and consider going for a car wash the day before your interview. Of course, the most important thing is having a confident, positive attitude. All of these details will help you make a smashing first impression and guide you on your way to landing the job. 


You have the perfect outfit, your car is freshly washed, and you’ve played the interview over and over again in your mind. It would be a shame for all of your hard work to be undone by a nasty set of nerves. We know interviewing can be intimidating, but we wouldn’t want to meet you if we didn’t recognize your amazing qualifications! We are dedicated to finding the right candidate for our families and the right family for our candidates. This is a highly personal industry, and it’s extremely important that families feel the spark of connection when meeting you. The best thing you can do is leave your nerves at the door and be the most confidently authentic possible version of yourself. You got this!

Ask questions!

It is so important for our candidates and families to be a mutually beneficial fit. Hiring families will surely have plenty of questions about your background and abilities, but don’t forget to do some interviewing of your own! Getting to know the family, understanding their priorities and needs, and discussing the job expectations will help both parties determine compatibility. We suggest brainstorming a few questions and writing them down prior to your interview. 

You’ve made it this far, and following these tips will ensure you interview with success. Remember, the two most important aspects of the interviewing process are preparedness and authenticity. Good luck!

Cayla Brooks